The briefing titled “Further changes to the remuneration of renewables and the 67€/MWh limit, in RD-Law 6/2022” has been prepared by Clifford Chance. RD-Law 6/2022 orders an extraordinary review of the parameters for 2020-2022, applicable as of 1 January 2022. The parameters will be approved in 2 months. The mechanism to adjust for market price deviations for energy produced in 2023 and subsequent years is eliminated.

The declared aim of these measures is to reduce the charges of the electric system and to supposedly thereby lower the final price of the energy. The series of measures adopted can be classed into two groups: those relating to the remuneration regime for renewable energy sources, on the one hand, and those relating to the windfall profits clawback mechanism in the electricity market, on the other. 

Read the briefing here