Category: Tech Talk

Increasing Digitisation: Wind O&M industry moves towards greater automation

The wind industry’s focus is on wider integration of automation and digital tools to improve efficiency, and save time and manpower costs. Particularly in the case of offshore wind projects, digitalisation can be extremely useful, as it might not be possible to carry out routine manual O&M. “Digitalisation” covers various aspects such as advanced computers, cloud computing, extensions such as sensors, the actual data and the connectivity between computers and equipment.

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Recent advancements in storage technologies

Currently, the focus is on enhancing energy storage capacities to ensure reliable and cost-effective power system operations. Key trends in ESS include the shift from conventional lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries to innovative chemicals offering improved stability, density and longevity. There is also a focus on developing solutions that store renewable energy from large-scale projects. Meanwhile, a transition towards more flexible and portable distributed ESS is being witnessed. ESS technologies encompass a range of methods for capturing, storing and releasing energy to meet demand when needed.

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Overview of Solar Panel Cleaning Technologies 

Solar operations and maintenance (O&M) is becoming a very important part of the overall solar power market value. Traditionally a major chunk of solar O&M was done manually. However, with the increasing scale, size, and number of solar projects in each developer’s fleet, manual O&M has become quite cumbersome. Thus, the focus is now on integrating more and more digital technology and automation to reduce the time and labor costs as well as increase efficiency.

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Alberta Reviews Grid Policy: Aims to maintain grid stability amidst RES penetration

The Government of Alberta in October 2023 released a green paper, ‘Transmission Policy Review: Delivering the Electricity of Tomorrow’, while outlining the province’s analysis of current transmission policies and solicited feedback on key policy issues. These included the zero-congestion policy, cost allocation for transmission wires and ancillary services, and intertie development. The document proposed discrete changes to transmission regulation, emphasising the government’s objective to amend transmission policies to support its grid objectives.

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Maximising Generation: Role of Solar Tracking Systems in Energy Transition

There has been a significant uptake of solar PV technology to meet the requirement of clean energy generation. However, the constant variation in the sun’s position relative to the Earth results in substantial energy loss. Therefore, it has become crucial to maximise solar energy output by changing the position of solar panels, enabling them to capture the greatest amount of solar radiation.The adoption of solar tracking solutions is a significant step towards unlocking the full potential of solar energy. With advancements in technology, a supportive policy framework, and a growing commitment to sustainability, these solutions are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the energy landscape. 

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BEVs expected to be ahead of hydrogen fuel cell technology in US: IEEFA

Hydrogen has very little future in the vehicular transportation sector. Although the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law instructs DOE to promote diverse uses for hydrogen produced by federally funded projects, the statute also gives DOE discretion to determine if a proposed end use is impracticable. By the time DOE’s selected hydrogen project applications are fully processed and the surviving projects are built, the market trends cited in this report will have expanded the already strong role of BEVs substantially, weighing against most vehicular uses of hydrogen.

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US Battery Manufacturing Ecosystem

The IRA has the potential to greatly expand solar and energy storage manufacturing in the United States. For energy storage, the IRA offers incentives to produce electrode active materials, battery cells, and battery modules. While the IRA can make domestically produced batteries cost competitive with Chinese products, one cannot overlook the importance of manufacturing experience, access to raw materials, partnerships with allies, and workforce in ensuring the success of domestic manufacturing.

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Revving Up: Growing focus on EV charging infrastructure

The global electric vehicle (EV) charging market is poised for significant growth and is expected to reach $30.4 billion by 2023 and $35 billion by 2026. The future of EV charging infrastructure holds immense potential, with the emergence of innovative next-generation vehicles and complementary components expected in the coming years. Several new technologies are being developed in the EV charging space, with the potential to transform the sector, enhance efficiency and drive adoption.

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Green Hydrogen Production and Utilisation in Denmark

In Denmark, hydrogen will be produced using renewable energy sources like wind and solar with zero carbon emissions. This supports Denmark’s commitment to clean energy, decarbonisation, and reaching climate neutrality in 2050. The next step is decarbonisation of heating, transportation, and industry through both direct and indirect electrification, taking advantage of the high level of renewable energy in the Danish energy system. Hydrogen is the natural conclusion of this journey.

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Overview of drivetrains, gearboxes and direct drives technologies

Improvements in drivetrains are expected to emerge in tandem with the overall growth in the wind turbine sector. New developments may include single-stage gearboxes, direct drive systems and permanent magnet generators. The advancements in direct-drive magnets and generator designs for wind turbines have resulted in low-cost and lighter wind turbines. The cost of permanent magnets used in direct drive turbines has also decreased which has further increased the prospect of direct-drive turbines.

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Solar Landscape: Overview of different PV technologies

The most widely used solar cells today are based on crystalline silicon, where silicon atoms are connected to form crystal lattices. Crystalline silicon cells can be ca­te­gorised as either polycrysta­lline, which is made from several silicon fragments melted together, or mono­cr­ystalline, whi­ch is made from single crystals of silicon. The monocrystalline cell has a higher efficiency as compared to polysilicon becau­se it is composed of a single crystal with more room for electrons to move.

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Energy storage in Europe: Poised for greater role in power system management

Several developments have taken place recently as policymakers and industry acknowledge the potential role that energy storage is likely to play in future and the need to remove barriers to their deployment. Notably, on March 14, 2023, the EC adopted the ‘Recommendation on Energy Storage – Underpinning a decarbonised and secure EU energy system’, which contains 10 recommendations for European countries to help accelerate storage deployment.

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Fuel of the Future: Key properties, storage and applications of liquid hydrogen

It is important to note that hydrogen is not a silver bullet for decarbonisation as its production can be carbon-in­tensive if it relies on fossil fuels. This is because the majority of hydrogen currently produced comes from steam methane reforming, a pro­­­­­cess that requires fossil fuels as feedstock. In addition, the production of hydrogen from renewable electricity can be ex­pe­nsive and inefficient as significant amo­unts of energy are requ­ir­ed to produce hy­dro­gen through the pro­cess of electrolysis.

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Floating Offshore Wind: A potential solution to meet global decarbonisation needs

Floating offshore wind turbines are affixed on platforms that are firmly moored to the ocean bed and conn­ec­ted by dynamically suspended cables. As a technology, floating offshore wind (FOW) can be considered supplementary to fixed-seabed wind technology. It d­e­ploys fixtures and component configurations that are compatible with conventional systems, including power substations, undersea transmission networks and feed-in infrastructure of the existing grids.

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Critical Components: Trends in solar cables and connectors market

Solar cables are designed as a medium to carry solar power throughout a solar system and serve as connecting cables for critical equipment. They have a great mechanical strength that allows them to survive harsh weather conditions. These cables are typically installed outside and exposed to high temperatures in a solar project over their lifetime. The number of wires and their gauge are used to classify solar cables.

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Cybersecurity concerns, challenges and solutions

Cyberattacks are carried out with ma­licious intent, and have the po­tential to compromise the power supply system and render the grid insecure. They can result in equipment maloperation and damage, and may even have a cascading effect leading to a grid blackout. Cyberattacks are staged using the tactics and techniques of initial acc­ess, execution, persistence, privilege es­calation, defence evasion, command and control, and exfiltration.

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O&M Opportunity: Wind market trends and outlook

The operations and maintenance (O&M) of wind power plants plays a key role in the development of the wi­nd energy segment and the broader energy transition, by ensuring that wind turbines are able to operate at their full pot­ential during their useful life. In addition, the after-sales service business continues to be an increasingly important so­urce of revenue and employment for the wind industry.

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Energy Storage: Technologies, challenges and future outlook

In 2022, the global energy storage market size was $19,000 million according to a recent report by Acumen Research and Consulting. The market is set to grow at a CAGR of 9 per cent, reaching $48,500 million by 2032. The Asia-Pacific region is ex­pected to be the fastest-growing market for energy storage systems with demand co­m­ing from countries such as China, India, Ja­p­an and South Korea.

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Integral Components: Market overview of solar inverters

The global solar inverter market is set to grow over the coming years owing to the massive deployments expected for utility-scale solar power consumption as well as solar deployments in residences, commercial establishments, industries, and institutions. The solar inverter industry is likely to be largely driven by technological improvements, increasing demand for solar power and cost reduction in components.

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