In the five Midwestern states studied for this report—Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin—the industrial and commercial sectors account for the majority of total energy consumption, ranging from approximately 46% in Michigan to 59% in Indiana. Businesses in these states, and across the United States, have been rising to the challenge of reducing their carbon footprints. They are setting ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets and working to attain those goals by, for example, signing renewable energy purchasing agreements with developers or building their own self-generating projects (e.g., on-site rooftop solar, offsite wind or solar farms).

Company procurement and sustainability leaders play a vital role in moving the Midwest region toward a clean energy future. This report provides information about renewable energy progress and challenges in five Midwestern states: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin. Business leaders will also find resources and tools on how to plan, site, procure and build solar and wind projects, which will help their organizations meet greenhouse gas reduction targets while addressing socioeconomic and environmental impacts.

This report “Charting a Clean Energy Future” has been prepared by The Nature Conservancy and can be accessed here