Long-term energy scenarios (LTES) are a vital planning tool for guiding the energy system to a clean, sustainable and increasingly renewable-based future. Following COP21 in Paris in 2015, countries have also begun to develop long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies (LT-LEDS) to explore the challenges and opportunities associated with the structural transformations needed to reach carbon neutrality and meet the targets of the Paris Agreement.

The report provides a comparative analysis of 24 LTES and 36 scenario-based LT-LEDS from a total of 45 countries. It considers the institutional and governance framework in which LTES and scenario-based LT-LEDS publications are developed, including the level of institutional coordination, stakeholder consultation, type of publication, and highlights from these publications. Additionally, it assesses the coverage of energy transition elements included in the scenarios of these publications (ranging from renewable generation and end-use sectors to mineral constraints and job impacts).

Access the “Long-term energy scenarios and low-emission development strategies: Stocktaking and alignment” report by IRENA here