NorthRenew Energy, a US utility-scale renewable energy producer, has sold its 300-MW-plus Arco Wind and Solar project in southeastern Idaho to utility PacifiCorp, a Berkshire Hathaway Energy subsidiary. NorthRenew recently announced the deal, highlighting that it is the company’s ninth project sale since its founding in 2017.

The divested project will take place in southeastern Idaho’s Bingham and Bonneville counties. Its current design calls for more than 300 MW of wind, solar, and storage power; however, 800 MW more solar power may be added in the future. In order to allow for the launch of commercial operations in late 2026, construction is anticipated to begin in 2025. With the project acquisition, PacifiCorp’s system, which includes the western states of Oregon, Washington, California, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming, now includes a wider variety of generating resources.

BluEarth Renewables US purchased a 1 GW wind and solar development project in Colorado from NorthRenew Energy for an undisclosed sum. The Eads Wind and Solar Project is located in Kiowa and Cheyenne Counties and is expected to be completed in multiple phases.