“Smart Grid in ASEAN: Overview and Opportunities to Support the ASEAN Renewable Energy Aspirational Target” has been published by ASEAN Centre for Energy.

Key highlights

  • Smart grid can help ASEAN integrate more renewable energy, particularly solar and wind, so as to meet the target share of the renewables in the energy mix.
  • Most of the ASEAN Member States have established a smart grid roadmap, with the majority focusing on installing the necessary infrastructures and systems, such as advanced metering infrastructure and energy management systems.
  • The implementation of smart grid in ASEAN faces several challenges and barriers, which include the high cost of equipment investment, lack of business and financial mechanisms to generate returns, and cybersecurity.
  • The recommendations for ASEAN to accelerate the implementation of smart grids include: (i) identifying needs and priorities of smart grid application, (ii) promoting financial incentives for smart grid projects, (iii) establishing smart grid working groups and forums across AMS, (iv) carrying out further research and development in smart grid technologies, and (v) establishing supportive policies for smart grid integration.

Access the complete report here