Switzerland’s technology provider Hitachi ABB Power Grids has been awarded a contract to provide Finnish nuclear power company, Teollisuuden Voima (TVO), with one of Europe’s largest battery energy storage systems (BESS) on the island of Olkiluoto.

TVO is building a third nuclear power plant unit on the island. Once commissioned, about 30 per cent of Finland´s electricity is expected to come from the plant and support the transition of the country’s electricity production towards carbon neutrality. In the event of a disturbance in production, battery energy storage will be used as backup power until an alternative production method is generating electricity.

As reported, the 90 MW BESS will support the entire energy network if there is any disturbance in the Olkiluoto 3 plant unit, thus minimising the effect of power fluctuations on the grid. The turnkey solution will also act as a fast-start backup power source.

The BESS will be commissioned in 2022.