The government of UK has announced funding for the installation of new renewable energy storage systems around the country. The government has awarded $9 million to 24 projects around the country as part of the Longer Duration Energy Storage (LODES) competition, which is worth a total of $91 million. The funding will go towards developing new energy storage technologies and assisting the UK in its transition to renewable energy sources, as well as stimulating private investment and creating green jobs. 

Sunamp’s EXTEND thermal battery project in Scotland and Cheesecake Energy’s FlexiTanker, a thermal and compressed air energy storage project in England, are two of the energy storage projects that have won the funding. The LODES scheme has also funded B9 Energy Storage’s Ballylumford Power-to-X project in Northern Ireland. The initial phase of the initiative introduced new energy storage technologies that can use stored energy such as heat, electricity, or a low-carbon energy carrier like hydrogen. 

In its second phase, funding will be given to projects that demonstrate higher potential in the first phase. Companies working on these projects will continue receiving support in developing and demonstrating their technologies.