The presentation is prepared by Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems. This work has been carried out under the responsibility of Dr. Simon Philipps (Fraunhofer ISE) and Werner Warmuth (PSE Projects GmbH).

Photovoltaics is a fast-growing market: The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of cumulative PV installations including off-grid was 34% between year 2010 to 2020. In 2020, Europe’s contribution to the total cumulative PV installations amounted to 22% (compared to 24% in 2019). In contrast, installations in China accounted for 33% (same value as the year before). Si-wafer based PV technology accounted for about 95% of the total production in 2020. The share of mono-crystalline technology is now about 84% (compared to 66% in 2019) of total c-Si production.

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