According to American Clean Power Association’s (ACP) Offshore Wind Market Report, the US has a rapidly expanding pipeline of projects, with 32 leases totalling 51,377 MW of expected capacity. Of this, 84 per cent or 43,115 MW is on the East Coast with the remaining 8,262 MW spread across five leases on the West Coast. Offshore wind (OSW) capacity in the pipeline could power more than 20 million homes. 

Among the states, New York is leading with a total of 4,362 MW of OSW capacity in the pipeline, with 132 MW under construction (via the South Fork offshore wind farm or OWF). New Jersey follows with 3,758 MW of capacity in the pipeline, all of which is in advanced developmental stage. Massachusetts is the only other state with an OWF under construction. Vineyard Wind’s 806 MW OWF is expected to complete construction in 2023. It represents quarter of the state’s 3,242 MW of capacity in the pipeline.

The report emphasises the positive economic effects of OSW on domestic shipbuilding and supply chain, with more than 30 new vessels currently either ordered or under construction to bolster the industry’s operations. It offers critical insights into upcoming OSW projects and the locations of announced manufacturing facilities among other things.

The report can be accessed here