Enel Generación Chile has signed a power purchase agreement with Atlas Renewable Energy to develop the latter’s first wind energy project. The three wind farms, which have a total capacity of 417 MW, can create 1.3 TWh of renewable energy annually and contribute to the country’s goal of accelerating its clean energy transition. The annual 1.3 TWh capacity will be enough to power 628,512 households while displacing 671,488t of carbon emissions.

Reportedly, Atlas intends to use local labour during the construction phase. Atlas also has three wind projects in its Alpaca Portfolio, which are planned to go online in 2025 and are in Chile’s Araucania, Los Lagos, and Maule regions.

In November 2020, the Chilean National Energy Commission (CNE) announced its plan to auction 2.31 TWh of renewable energy capacity in May 2021. The auction included the option of deploying storage systems. The final bidding term was issued in December 2020.