Mitsubishi Power, a Japanese power company, is planning to build the Takasago Hydrogen Park in Hyogo Prefecture. The hydrogen park, which will be located within MHI’s Takasago Machinery Works plant, will be the first verification centre for hydrogen-related technologies ranging from hydrogen production to power generation. 

At Mitsubishi Power’s Takasago Machinery Works plant, which it presently utilises for gas turbine development and production, the company will build up all areas of hydrogen-related technology. The Takasago Hydrogen Park is designed to assist Mitsubishi Power in commercialising hydrogen gas turbines. The hydrogen park will be built near the T-Point 2 combined cycle power plant validation facility, with plans to expand it shortly. Its purpose is to assess and demonstrate technologies including hydrogen production and storage, as well as hydrogen as a gas turbine fuel.   

Reportedly, Mitsubishi Power intends to launch the facility in the upcoming financial year. The company will create a workflow for the combustion chamber that includes the establishment of a development centre, the design and production of a machine at a manufacturing plant, and validation testing at a demonstration site.

REGlobal’s Views: With Mitsubishi’s experience in gas and overall power markets, setting up of such a hydrogen facility is a logical step for the company. The hydrogen markets, green hydrogen mainly, are expanding rapidly as companies race to develop the most cost-efficient technologies.